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Mallorytown Unattached Patient Clinic

​UCFHT’s program for unattached patients of Leeds & Grenville: Your guide when feeling lost without a family doctor.


We know it has been difficult finding a family doctor during this time of crisis in family medicine. Although it is everyone's desire to have someone they call their primary family doctor, it has been increasingly difficult for the province to provide a family doctor for every Ontario resident. We have advocated on behalf of unattached patients, for our health system to explore other solutions for this problem, which include team based primary care.


In the meantime, we are offering a unique model for care to those living in Leeds & Grenville who are unattached patients. Being unattached means that you do not have a family doctor, or a nurse practitioner that you have registered with to be your primary care provider. You may be a newcomer to the area, or your family doctor may have retired, or you have never had a family doctor and only used walk-in clinics.

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What does it mean to receive care at our Unattached Patient Program?


  • You are not assigned a primary care provider, however, our team will assist you in your episodic medical care.

  • We will not be able to provide perpetual access to our unattached provider team.

  • Some complex chronic conditions may not be able to be managed by our team, however, we may be able to refer you to any known available resources.

  • We strongly encourage you to keep looking for a primary care provider - contact Health Care Connect.


Who is NOT eligible to attend our Unattached Patient Clinic?


  • You already have a family doctor, however, you are unhappy with them and want to change. We are not intended to replace your existing family doctor.

  • You already have a family doctor, but are unable to get timely appointments with them. Please contact your doctor's office for their unique options (their colleague who can see you, their locum, or their after-hours clinic).

  • You are already part of a FHO, FHG, FHT family practice and have access to after-hours care.

  • You live outside of Leeds & Grenville and are unable to find a primary care provider. We are designed to serve our immediate community and neighbourhood. Please explore your local area's Ontario Health Teams, which may have upcoming options for you.

  • You require virtual care. Our Unattached Patient Clinic is an in-person clinic for residents of Leeds & Grenville who are able to access our clinic location in person. Please visit Health811 for a list of virtual services or the East Region Virtual Care Clinic.


UCFHT Unattached Patient Clinic Information:


The UCFHT Unattached Patient Clinic is for Leeds & Grenville residents who are not attached to a family doctor.


This is not a walk-in clinic. All patients are required to make an appointment.


An OHIP card is required for an appointment.



1489 County Road 2

P.O. Box 56

Mallorytown, On K0E 1R0

Tel: 613-923-1175

Fax: 613-923-1552


Hours of Operation:

  • Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

  • Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

  • Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed


How to book an appointment:


  • Phone lines open Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (phone number 613-923-1175)


Services Available:


  • Nurse Practitioner and nurse will assess and treat non-urgent, minor illnesses

    • Problem-specific (episodic) care for all ages, such as (but not limited to):

      • Sore ears/throat

      • UTI/Bladder Infections

      • Sprains / Strains

      • Minor Burns

      • Eye Redness or Irritation

      • Skin Infections or Rashes

    • Prescription renewals with an appointment only

  • Navigation to community resources and support to help manage other healthcare needs

  • Preventative Care services for cervical cancer screening

  • CPHC Foot Care Clinic, call 613-342-3693 ext 2037 for more information or to book and appointment


This clinic DOES NOT offer:


  • Emergency care - call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department

  • ​Always seek emergency care when life or limb are at risk, or for a mental health crisis. Go to the nearest Emergency Department or call 9-1-1.

  • Examples of when to visit the Emergency Department:

    • Chest pain or difficulty breathing

    • Weakness/numbness on  one side

    • Slurred speech                                                  

    • Fainting/change in mental state

    • Serious burns                                                    

    • Head or eye injury

    • Concussion/confusion                                       

    • Broken bones and dislocated joints

    • Fever with a rash                                              

    • Seizures

    • Cuts that may require stitches                           

    • Facial lacerations

    • Severe cold or flu symptoms                           

    • Vaginal bleeding with pregnancy

    • Mental health crisis

  • Mental health services

  • Complete forms for insurance, driver’s license medicals, and disability forms

  • The clinic does not provide narcotic or controlled drug prescriptions

  • Suturing of lacerations (stitches)

  • Setting of bones (patient must go to closest emergency department)

  • Any minor surgical procedures

  • Allergy injections

  • Immunizations

  • Annual health / complete physical exams


Important Notes:


  • Masks are required on-site if you are symptomatic.

  • We provide a safe space for all of our patients and staff. Inappropriate and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated; you will be asked to leave.

  • For more support, visit the Health811 to local other community services.

  • For other care options, visit the Brockville General Hospital page “Right Care at The Right Location”.

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Our Location

1489 County Road 2

P.O. Box 56
Mallorytown ON  K0E 1R0
Phone: (613) 923-1175

Fax:  (613) 923-1552




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Upper Canada Family Health Team


100 Strowger Blvd. Suite 110 • Brockville ON   K6V 5J9 • Phone: 613-423-3333

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