Flu Clinics
View the 2024 UCFHT Flu Clinics schedule here.
Influenza (flu) is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians, it is estimated that between 10-20% of the population becomes infected with influenza each year. The most common way to protect yourself from the flu is to be vaccinated each year in the fall. The benefits outweigh the risks and you cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine as it does not contain any live virus.
Upper Canada Family Health Team 2024 Flu Vaccination Clinics
Who is invited?
The flu vaccination clinics are for patients of the Upper Canada Family Health Team.
Can I get my flu vaccination at any of these locations?
No, each office of the Upper Canada Family Health Team will be hosting their own flu clinics for 2024. Patients should attend the flu vaccination clinics where they would normally see their family physician.
What should I wear?
Please wear loose clothing which allows for quick access to the upper arm area.
What should I bring?
Please bring your Ontario Health Insurance card (OHIP)
You should not attend if:
You have had a severe reaction to the flu vaccination in the past
You have a known allergy to eggs or thimerosal
You are ill on the day of the clinic
What if I get my flu vaccination somewhere else?
Please contact your family physician's office to update your medical records.
Flu Facts
If you are sick:
Influenza-like symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, joint and muscle pain and headaches.
If you are sick, stay home until your fever is gone and you are feeling back to normal.
Most symptoms last for 5 to 7 days, you should gradually improve.
Drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.
If you are concerned about your symptoms call your family doctor before proceeding to their office or clinic.
If your symptoms are severe, such as shortness of breath, go to the nearest hospital emergency department.
If you think you have influenza, you should stay home from work/school and contact your health care provider.
Is it Influenza, a cold or COVID-19?
Every year many people get influenza; many more get a cold. A cold is a very common viral infection that most people recover from with no further health concerns. Influenza is a severe respiratory illness that can have serious consequences for the very young, old and immunocompromised. While the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, influenza and a cold are similar, the severity may vary. This chart outlines the difference between them: